苏州大学坐落于素有"人间天堂"之称的历史文化名城苏州,是国家"211工程"重点建设高校、"2011计划"首批入选高校,"双一流"建设入列高校,国防科技工业局和江苏省人民政府共建高校,是江苏省属重点综合性大学。苏州大学前身是Soochow University(东吴大学,1900年创办),开西式教育之先河,融中西文化之菁华,是中国最早以现代大学学科体系举办的大学。在中国高等教育史上,东吴大学最先开展法学(英美法)专业教育、最早开展研究生教育并授予硕士学位,也是第一家创办学报的大学。1952年中国大陆院系调整,由东吴大学之文理学院、苏南文化教育学院、江南大学之数理系合并组建苏南师范学院,同年更名为江苏师范学院。1982年,学校更复名苏州大学(Soochow University)。其后,苏州蚕桑专科学校(1995年)、苏州丝绸工学院(1997年)和苏州医学院(2000年)等相继并入苏州大学。从民国时期的群星璀璨,到共和国时代的开拓创新;从师范教育的文脉坚守,到综合性大学的战略转型与回归;从多校并入的跨越发展,到争创一流的重塑辉煌,苏州大学在中国高等教育史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。
博士学位授予学校世界排名 |
学科 |
学校承担费用 |
导师承担费用 |
合计 |
1-100名 |
理工类、医学类 |
25 |
≥5 |
≥30 |
人文社科类 |
19 |
≥3 |
≥22 |
101-300名 |
理工类、医学类 |
20 |
≥5 |
≥25 |
人文社科类 |
18 |
≥2 |
≥20 |
301- |
理工类、医学类 |
15 |
≥5 |
≥20 |
人文社科类 |
17 |
≥1 |
≥18 |
Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researchers at Soochow University (2019)
Situated in the historical and picturesque city of Suzhou renowned as "Heaven on Earth", Soochow University is a national key institute listed in the Project 211, among the first batch of members in the "2011 Program", in the Double First Class University Plan, and a top comprehensive university in Jiangsu Province. The original Soochow University (Dongwu Daxue in pinyin) was founded in Suzhou in 1900.
The first postdoctoral research station at Soochow university was approved by the state in 1995 and the number has risen to 29, ranking the first among provincial universities nationwide. The university welcomes young outstanding scholars in China and abroad to join our post-doctoral research teams.
Areas of recruitment:
Mathematics, Chinese Language and Literature, Clinical Medicine, Basic Medical Sciences, Philosophy, Chemistry, Chinese History, Sports, Materials Science and Engineering, Textile Science and Engineering, Physics, Optical Engineering, Applied Economics, Law, Politics, Pedagogy, Foreign Languages and Literature, Design Sciences, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Marxist Theory, Computer Science & Technology, Animal Science, Pharmacy, Statistics, Special Medicine, Business Administrations, Information and Communication Engineering and Software Engineering.
1. Full-time postdoctoral researchers only (including foreign personnel) who are PhD graduates enrolled through the regular entrance exam for PhD program/ terminated employment with the former employer/ obtained PhD degree in foreign countries or a region outside Chinese mainland;
2. Under 35 years old with a PhD degree, graduated within 3 years with exceptions in the case of areas of Humanities and Social Sciences and some weak areas of Natural Science;
3. Meet the requirements of relevant postdoctoral research stations, with excellent research skills and great potential for academic study.
Three years in general and six years at most, adjusted according to the term of project subsidy and the researcher's responsibility in the project.
1. Regularly enrolled postdoctoral researchers are engaged at a salary paid jointly by the university and the supervisor. The salary is assigned according to the latest rank of the university by which the PhD degree was conferred in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking. Gross salaries, containing all kinds of social insurance and housing provident fund to be paid both by the individual and the unit of employment, are listed as follows: (by ten thousand RMB/per person)
PhD degree conferring university in THEWorld University Ranking |
Discipline |
By the University |
By the Supervisor |
Total |
1-100 |
Science and Engineering, Medicine |
25 |
≥5 |
≥30 |
Humanities and Social Sciences |
19 |
≥3 |
≥22 |
101-300 |
Science and Engineering, Medicine |
20 |
≥5 |
≥25 |
Humanities and Social Sciences |
18 |
≥2 |
≥20 |
301- |
Science and Engineering, Medicine |
15 |
≥5 |
≥20 |
Humanities and Social Sciences |
17 |
≥1 |
≥18 |
2. Scientific research foundation is provided, 20,000 and 10,000 RMB per person respectively for those involved in experimental research in Natural Science and in Humanities and Social Sciences and non-experimental research in Natural Science.
3. Specialized apartments or a housing subsidy of 1000 per month are available for application.
4. The university encourages the stations and supervisors to raise the salary according to the researcher's performance.
5. Where one is elected among Outstanding Postdoctoral Researchers of Soochow University after admission, the university will issue a one-time bonus.
Application Process:
See Guide to Postdoctoral Researcher Application online available on the website of the university for postdoctoral researchers: http://bsh.suda.edu.cn/Display-B233A180300.html
Zhu Wen
E-mail: bgb@suda.edu.cn
Address: Office of Postdoctoral Researchers of Human Resources Department of Soochow University, Room 602 in Lingyun Building, 50 Donghuan Road, Suzhou