一、实验室简介/Introduction about the CenBRAIN Lab
Mohamad Sawan,西湖大学工学院生物医学研究与创新中心(CenBRAIN)的创始人和首席科学家,是西湖大学工学院讲席教授、智能医疗设备领域的国际专家。他在植入式和可穿戴式生物医学设备和微系统,特别是在神经退行性疾病应用方面做出了重大贡献。同时,他是加拿大工程院院士、加拿大工程研究院院士和IEEE Fellow。
The ‘Cutting-Edge Net of Biomedical Research and Innovation’ (https://cenbrain.westlake.edu.cn) (CenBRAIN) Lab was founded by Mohamad Sawan, Chair Professor, on January 2019 to lead research activities intended to design, implement and validate smart medical devices such as sensors and actuators with focus on understanding and introducing solutions to neurodegenerative diseases. CenBRAIN is closely linked to the Polystim Neurotech Lab of Polytechnique Montreal launched several years earlier by Prof. Sawan.
二、招聘岗位(6个)及条件/Offered positions (6) and Requirements
P1. Postdoctoral Researcher of analog circuits design (1 vacant)
Job descriptions:
(1) Familiar with EDA design tools and have experience in analog integrated circuit design;
(2) Completed at least one analog chip design under advanced semiconductor technology;
(3) Highly interested in the design of analog front-end chips for brain-computer interfaces.
P2. Postdoctoral Researcher of wireless link design (1 vacant)
Job descriptions:
(1) Familiar with EDA design tools and have experience in RF, wireless link or energy harvesting related integrated circuit design;
(2) Completed at least one related chip design under advanced semiconductor technology;
(3) High interest in chip design related to wireless data communication or energy transmission for brain-computer interface.
P3. 招聘岗位:可穿戴及可植入式闭环系统方向博士后(1名)
P3. Postdoctoral Researcher of wearable and implantable closed-loop systems (1 vacant)
Job descriptions:
(1) Design, implement, characterize and optimize the wearable and implantable electrodes;
(2) Design of protocols and the recording of neural and other physiological signals;
(3) Encode and decode the neural signals, control the brain machine interface and implement the closed-loop system;
(4) Those with experiences in closed-loop system applied on neurodegenerative diseases and vision recovery are preferred.
P4. Postdoctoral Researcher in biosensor (1 vacant)
Job responsibilities:
(1) Familiar with optical or electrochemical biosensors, micro-/nano- photonics devices (such as photonic crystals, optical waveguides, etc.), detection of pathogenic microorganism (such as ELISA, colloidal gold, nucleic acid method, etc.), or wearable biosensors for therapeutic drugs and biomarkers.
(2) Can independently design the project scheme related to biosensor detection (experimental design, implementation, data processing and analysis).
(3) Have a strong interest in in vitro diagnostic technology for environmental & health-related detection applications, or strong interest in wearable sensors for improving precision medicine.
(4) Candidates with scientific research experience in biosensor is preferred.
P5. Postdoctoral Researcher of Biomedical Engineering (1 vacant)
Job descriptions:
(1) Initiate the projects using EEG, fNIRS, or photoacoustics neuroimaging techniques;
(2) Carry out research projects using neuroimaging techniques, including protocol design, data acquisition, data processing and analysis. Those with the experiences of Brain-Machine Interface and closed-loop neuromodulation are preferred;
(3) Perform photoacoustic imaging on the human body. Those with the experience of building the photoacoustic imaging system are preferred;
(4) Carry out neurodegenerative diseases related projects.
P6. 招聘岗位:器官芯片方向博士后(1名)
P6. Postdoctoral Researcher of Organ-on-Chip (1 vacant)
Job descriptions:
(1)Familiar with techniques on microfluidic, micro-/nano-fabrication, microelectrode arrays, 3D bioprinting, organoid culture, single cell analysis and neural signals recording and data analysis;
(2)Able to carry out research projects on organ-on-chips;
(3)Have strong interest in the pathology of neural diseases and the brain functions;
(4)Have published at least 1-2 SCI journal papers in related fields.
• 以上六个岗位共同任职要求:
• Requirements for above 6 positions:
(1) Age not exceeding 35-year old;
(2) Obtained or is going to obtain the Ph.D. degree;
(3) Have a strong ability of teamwork, and skilled in English communication (oral and writing);
(4) Co-supervise intern and Ph.D. students.
三、薪酬待遇/Compensation and Benefits
Candidates will receive internationally competitive salary, and other benefits. CenBRAIN inWestlakeUniversityprovides excellent shared equipment facilities and research support.
四、应聘方式/How to Apply
1. 中英文个人简历;
2. 研究计划和求职信;
3. 其他申请人认为必要的材料。
Please submit your application as a complete package, in one single PDF file, including the following documents:
• English CV
• Research Statement and cover letter
• Other neccessary documents
Send your application to sawan@westlake.edu.cn and copy zhangyitian@westlake.edu.cn. For excellent applicants, we will co-ordinate the scheduling of interview at a convenient time. Applications will be reviewed upon receipt until the positions are filled.